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Terms and Conditions


Donations to Troop 113 are not tax deductible. 100 percent of donations go to program expenses, materials and equipment. Your donations may help boys go to summer camp, or pay for a tent for a boy who can’t afford one, or help defray the cost of membership for some families. Adult leaders in Troop 113 are volunteers and receive no compensation for their work. The troop may experience minimal administrative costs, such as bank fees or other costs for fund raising or troop management.

For larger gifts, or to discuss ongoing giving, please write to BSA Troop 113 c/o Trinity United Methodist Church, 2911 Cameron Mills Road, Alexandria, VA 22302.

Mulch sales

We will work hard to fulfill every order. However, BSA Troop 113 reserves the right to reject any order for delivery that is outside the City of Alexandria, or if orders received exceed the supply of mulch the troop has ordered.

BSA Troop 113 accepts orders on a first come, first served basis, but reserves the right to coordinate delivery at any time between its previously stated delivery dates.  Stated delivery dates are included on the order form and on online ordering pages.

All bags are guaranteed to contain quality shredded hardwood mulch commonly sold at local garden nurseries.

For downloaded and handwritten order forms submitted by mail: BSA Troop 113 reserves the right to reject orders that are not clearly written or on forms that are not properly filled out.

If you do not receive delivery, we will not process your payment.

Only your canceled check or processed credit payment to BSA Troop 113 represents a receipt and acknowledgement of your order. It is expressly understood that no contract has been consummated until your credit card payment has been processed or your bank check has been properly endorsed and cashed by Troop 113.

Please contact us if you haven’t received your order by the day following the final previously stated delivery date.

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