We are going rafting this Saturday — rain or shine.
Be sure to check the Shenandoah River water temperature, river conditions, and dress appropriately.
Here’s an article with suggested ways to dress warm on the water.
We can also save time if everyone submits their waiver electronically.
If you have questions about the rafting trip, please contact Mr. Birchler.
More details at tonight’s meeting!
Mr. Millander is wrapping up the Troop’s Camp Rodney reservation this week and needs all scouts who are planning to go to Camp to make their Merit Badge class selections and final payments this week.
He will try to be at the meeting tonight, or you can email your selections and mail your payments this week.
Please see the schedule online.
Due to great mulch sales this year, the troop is contributing $319 per scout and total cost of $100 per adult for attendance.
First up, the troop is planning a camping trip to Prince William Forrest April 23-24. Patrols will need to plan meals and activities. We will be introducing our new scouts to the skills they will need to make their first advancements. We will also be hiking. Everyone needs to bring personal water bottles as well as sunscreen and other camping essentials. We can discuss other equipment needs tonight or provide a list to those new Scouts and parents who need them.
For questions, contact Mr. Ehret.
Mr. Birchler has started planning the river rafting trip, which has been reserved for May 14. We will likely leave early that morning to be at the boat launch in Harpers Ferry by 9 a.m.
We need a firm head count as soon as possible. So we will be taking a count tonight. Again, if you won’t be at the meeting, please reply today so we know who is going.
Everyone who will be on the water (Scouts and adults) will also need to complete the online waiver.
According to Mr. Birchler, “This is a level 2/3 river (nothing crazy – just two places where it is a little scary).”
If you have questions about the rafting trip, please contact Mr. Birchler.
Mr Millander needs your MB choices now. Please email them to him this week!
The following scouts are registered for Camp Rodney (if you or your Scout is not on the list but wants to go to Camp Rodney, please contact Mr Millander ASAP):
- Peter Beckman
- Ethan Ehret
- Hudson Prall
- Braden Prall
- Ronan Lauinger
- Bodie Lauinger
- Will Rutherford
- Evan Larsen
Please review the MB schedule and descriptions, and provide your choices for each period. If you have questions, please contact Mr Millander directly.
*Note: the Program Schedule is organized by Program Category. The dark grey blocks represent when each class takes place.*

- Peter Beckman – First Class
- Ian Birchler – Star
- Seamus Brown – First Class
- Ronan Lauinger – Star
- Will Rutherford – Star
Merit Badges

Ian Birchler:
- Communication
- Personal Management
Seamus Brown:
Owen Ehret:
- Citizenship in the World

Ronan Lauinger:
Haber Lozano:
- Rifle Shooting
- Leatherwork
- Robotics
- Camp Rodney 2015 patch
Guillermo Lozano:
- Rifle Shooting
- Leatherwork
- Robotics
- Camp Rodney 2015 patch
Braden Prall:
Will Rutherford:
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We are no longer accepting orders for this year’s mulch sale. If you have submitted an order, expect delivery between March 29 and April 2.
If you have not ordered, you may be able to purchase bags and pick them up yourself from 8 a.m. to noon, April 2, at the parking lot just north of Trinity United Methodist Church, 2911 Cameron Mills Rd.
Each bag contains 3 cubic feet of mulch.
Thank you for your support. This year’s sale will help fund the camp outs, service projects, and other good deeds the Scouts of Troop 113 do every day.
Tags: fund raiser, mulch
Welcome to the new website for BSA Troop 113 in Alexandria, Virginia!
If you’re a boy between the ages of 11 and 18, you’re invited to join us Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m. to learn more about scouting and this fun and growing Troop.
We want boys and adult leaders who are looking for an authentic, “by the book” Scouting experience. We adhere to the requirements and spirit of the Boy Scouting program.
Our Scout Troop is organized into patrols of 8 to 10 boys that function under the Patrol Method. The BSA program emphasizes youth leadership, outdoor activities, outdoor camping and exploration, and personal development.
At least one parent for each boy must be willing to be involved with the Troop Committee or be involved as an adult leader in the Troop. This is critical not only to the success of the Troop, but is vital to the success of the boys. We are not looking for excessive time commitments, but we must have parental support.
We meet at Trinity United Methodist Church, which is located at 2911 Cameron Mills Rd., Alexandria, VA 22302.
Trinity UMC has sponsored our Troop for more than 65 successful years!