Spring Mulch Sale Now Here!!
All bags contain 3 cubic feet of quality triple-shredded hardwood mulch commonly sold at local garden nurseries.
This annual fund raiser helps the Troop pay for activities, equipment, service projects, and other good deeds the Scouts of Troop 113 do every day in our community. Put your order in today for Troop 113’s shredded hardwood mulch.
The more bags you buy, the more you save:
- 30 or more bags: $6.00 each
- 20-29 bags: $6.50 each
- 19 or fewer bags: $7.00 each
If you order 10 bags or more and live within our Free Delivery Zone*, and we’ll deliver your mulch free to your home. Deliveries will be made between March 18 and March 23, 2024.
* The free delivery zone includes ZIP codes 22301, 22302, 22304, 22305 and 22314.