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Mulch Sold Out

Thanks to everyone who has made our mulch fundraiser such a great success. As of yesterday, we have sold out and are not accepting any more orders. If you mailed in an order and we have not received it, your check will be promptly returned to you.

All orders that were made online on or before March 16 will be fulfilled.

Deliveries will begin March 31 and hopefully we will wrap up by Saturday, April 4. To minimize exposure to the virus, we are asking only a limited number of Troop parents to help with deliveries. Because we are not asking the full Troop to come out on Saturday, deliveries may need to extend into Sunday or Monday the following week.

Our delivery volunteers may knock on your door to let you know we’ve arrived and ask for instructions, however, please continue to practice proper social distancing.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to serving you in the coming days.

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