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Attention Rodney Campers: Special Meeting Tuesday

Special Meeting 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 19, to go over merit badge prerequisites, paperwork review and turn-in, final packing instructions, logistics, questions and anything else related to Summer Camp.

This is a MANDATORY meeting for all parents and scouts going to Camp Rodney, whether you are going with the troop or on your own.

  1. Bring 2 copies of your completed BSA physical to include two copies of your insurance card for each scout and adult.  Make sure your last TDAP (or Tetanus) shot was within 10 years.  Keep one additional copy for yourself — you will not get the two copies back.
  2. Adults spending the night need a physical — including the Tetanus shot. Use the same physical forms above.
  3. Bring any pre-reqs you need to have signed off. We will be teaching the  CPR familiarization requirement as a troop during the meeting. All other requirements are in the program guide listed with the merit badge classes you are taking.
  4. Download your packing list here.
  5. Bring any questions you have about logistics and travel.

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